This winter bio-bean is proud to introduce Coffee Logs, the new eco briquettes for multi-fuel stoves, woodburners and open fires, made from recycled waste coffee grounds.
Coffee Logs are created at our world-first coffee recycling factory in Cambridgeshire, and burn 20% hotter and longer than kiln-dried wood. Each Coffee Log contains the waste grounds from approximately 25 cups of coffee – that’s 400 cups in every bag! They are environmentally sustainable, and generate 80% less emissions than if those coffee grounds had gone to landfill.
bio-bean takes in waste coffee grounds from all over the UK from cafes, offices, transport hubs – anywhere that makes a lot of coffee – either direct or via partnerships with waste management companies. This saves money on expensive waste disposal and helps companies improve their sustainability performance.
“This partnership puts thousands of tonnes of Costa coffee grounds to work, transforming them from a waste material into sustainable, clean fuels which can heat homes in winter.” Oliver Rosevear, Costa Coffee.
Available in an easy-to-carry bag containing 16 logs, Coffee Logs are the new way to run your stove and heat your home safe in the knowledge that you are helping to reduce waste and carbon emissions – by up to 6 tonnes of CO2e every day!
“My green hero, Power your home with coffee fuel from bio-bean” Kevin McLeod, Grand Designs.
bio-bean was founded in 2013 on the firm belief that there is no such thing as waste, only resources in the wrong place. We collect and recycle coffee grounds from around the UK, creating sustainable biofuels and we are continually exploring other uses for waste coffee.