The review undertaken by the team from Kelkay this year revealed some interesting insights into the selling and merchandising of decorative aggregates, not least the difficulty some consumers encounter in choosing the right product for their use. The research also demonstrated how many less experienced consumers percieve the category to be functional, messy, heavy, constructional, uninspiring and difficult.
So the new segmentation of the category will really help garden centres to merchandise and sell this category more effectively and extend the transaction to other related categories like weed fabrics, containers, edging and even plants. That’s the basis on which Kelkay approached the new branding, new packaging and new merchandising for their aggregates business which is launched at GLEE this week.
Simple colour coding of the newly deisgned bags make it easy to select the right type of product, and the critical information is now illustrated with simple icons. The new segments help consumers to select the right product for the job – from delicate slates (all clolour coded in teal) for mulching a rock garden, to robust chippings (colour coded blue) for a driveway. The extra clarity of the packs has been achieved with a new laminate material and the removal of most of the words on the bag has allowed the design to accommodate large windows to make more of the product visible. The recommeded depth and coverage for the product is included as well as highlighting products suitable for aquatic use and even the poor retailer has not been overlooked – awkward handling at the checkout is acknowledges so bar codes appear on both the front and side.
Richard Pyrah, Sales Director said “We’ve used the same basic design and branding for our aggregates for more than 10 years. It’s served us well and our customers told us we were the best in the business. But, it’s never acceptable to stand still and we could see more opportunity through the research we’ve done in the past year or so. I’m very excited to be launching the new inspirational look for the brand and seeing it implemented in store. We’re confident it will drive customer engagement and grow the category.”
All the new developments are on show at Kelkay’s stand at GLEE, NEC Birmingham (Hall 19 B10 – C21) 12 – 14 September 2016
To find out more about Kelkay’s range of decorative aggregates and their other successful garden landscaping brands, go to www.kelkay.com or e-mail the general enquiries office on salesenquiries@kelkay.co.uk or call to speak to us on 01405 869333.