In This Issue
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Are you ready for Glee 2023? The future looks bright for garden retail
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Let’s make this year’s Floral Thursday the biggest yet!
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Can you support Greenfingers with a Glee Product Promotion?
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The 2022 Glee New Product winners: where are they now?
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Let’s make this year’s Floral Thursday the biggest yet!


If you are visiting or exhibiting at Glee later this month, then this is your reminder to ensure you bring the flower power on Thursday 29th June.


Thursday at Glee is now more commonly known as Floral Thursday, a special day when the industry comes together to raise funds for the Greenfingers Charity by donning their best floral get-up. Whether it’s clashing floral brights, giant flowerpot men outfits or teams with the biggest contingent of floral suits, dresses, hats, shirts or t-shirts, each year Floral Thursday gains more and more traction. This year the charity is hoping that even more will arrive at the show in their floral best. In fact, the quest for the world record attempt at the most ‘floral dressed’ in one place continues – can you help make it a reality?


Upon arrival at Glee on Floral Thursday look out for the Greenfingers raffle ticket sellers in the atrium, where a host of top prizes are up for grabs. By digging deep, buying some raffle tickets or popping a few coins, digitally or otherwise, in the fundraising buckets you will not only help make this year’s event the best yet, but you will be contributing to another amazing year of fundraising for the charity.


For those not in the know, the Greenfingers Charity creates amazing therapeutic gardens at children’s hospices across the country. For the life-limited children this might be the only outside space they can truly relax in and enjoy, whilst for the families, friends and staff Greenfingers gardens can be a place for reflection, a place to hold memories dear or a place of relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the inside work of the hospice. Again and again, these Greenfingers gardens – almost 70 in total – prove their worth by holding significant personal value for those that use and enjoy the space. These are garden spaces that see the best and worst days, where lasting memories are made, and where goodbyes are said. The money raised through initiatives such as Floral Thursday helps the charity to build even more gardens for those that need them the most.



Linda, Petrons, Director of Fundraising & Communications at Greenfingers said: “With even more gardens in the pipeline and the average build cost rocketing beyond £100,000, every penny that is raised makes a real difference. Unlike other fundraising events that may require a feat of endurance or bravery, Floral Thursday is a fun and colourful way for everyone to get involved.


“As always, our thanks go to the Glee team for allowing us to use their platform to make Floral Thursday a reality. Each year the event keeps getting bigger and better and that is thanks to the wonderful support of Glee and its partners including Garden Trade News.”


So, what are you waiting for? Open the wardrobe, nip to the shops or get online to find your most fabulous floral outfit. The Greenfingers team look forward to seeing you on June 29th.


To find out more about the charity, throughout the show, the Greenfingers team will be in Hall 8-20 6J72.


Find out more

Further information regarding the Greenfingers Charity can be found at You can also join in the conversation by joining Greenfingers on social media -, @GreenfingersCha on Twitter, and @Greenfingerscharity on Instagram and LinkedIn.

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