GreenForce Lawn Feed Weed and Mosskiller is bestseller
Glee Stand 19D18-E19

Founded in 1939, Hygeia Garden Care manufactures and distributes a wide range of garden care products across the UK and Ireland based on extensive R&D and decades of experience in the garden care industry.
A bestseller from Hygeia Garden Care is GreenForce Lawn Feed Weed and Mosskiller. Our unique formula feeds grass, kills weeds and kills moss, but best of all it offers up to double the coverage offered by other all-in-one treatments, saving you both time and money!
New from Hygeia Garden Care is the multi award-winning GreenForce Lawn Gold range – an organic based 3-step lawn treatment that is child-safe, pet-safe and won’t turn moss black.
GreenForce Lawn Gold uses slow release technology to feed and green your lawn for the season while strengthening the root system for thicker, healthier grass.
A unique blend of minerals controls moss naturally without the need to rake out – moss simply disintegrates back into the lawn. Apply GreenForce Lawn Gold Classic as a starter treatment, then GreenForce Lawn Gold Summer Green to keep grass lush and vibrant through the summer months, followed by GreenForce Lawn Gold Winter Protect in autumn to keep your lawn green and moss-free throughout the winter season.
The best defence against moss and weeds is a healthy lawn with GreenForce Lawn Gold!
We also offer a fantastic selection of tomato food, plant food and hard surface treatments to control moss and algae.
This year marks our first time to show at Glee, so come and visit us at Stand 19D18-E19 and see our brilliant range of Hygeia Garden Care products.
For expert gardening advice and more product information, see