Neudorff is the first company to bring non-refrigerated Nematodes to the UK for the safe, natural and effective biological control of chafer grubs, vine weevils and leatherjackets.
The three varieties can be stored directly on-shelf for up to six months* making the shipping and storage of nematodes, which are usually sold online or by mail order, much simpler and more cost effective for garden centres, whilst making them much more accessible to gardeners who can apply them the same day or shortly after purchase.
Neudorff Nematodes are easy to apply and do not need to be handled, the new compact ‘globe’ packaging houses individual soluble bio-pouches which can be directly added to water and applied using a watering can or the Neudorff NemaSprayer. Children and pets can enter treated areas immediately after application.
Nematodes are very small, white to colourless roundworms, which have adapted to live in almost every ecosystem in the world. Some species are predatory and it is these species that are utilised in horticulture as a natural form of plant protection. Nematodes work by entering the pests body via natural openings and releasing bacteria which then multiplies and causes blood poisoning. The nematodes then feed on the host’s tissue, reproduce and immediately start searching for a new host.
Neudorff sales director, Jude Beharall said: “The new Nematode range is an excellent addition to our wide range of weed, feed and control products that work in harmony with nature rather than against it.
Not only is it natural and simple to use, it also simplifies the stocking of nematodes in garden centres.”
Neudorff Nematode range
Safe, natural and effective biological control for plants and lawns right down to the roots, children and pets can safely enter treated areas immediately after application.
LawnGrubFree Nematodes - For a damage-free green and health lawn by elimination of invasive chafer grubs, treats up to 100 m2, RRP £29.99.
VineWeevilFree Nematodes - Protect plants and fruits, especially those grown in containers, from black vine weevil larvae, treats up to 12 m2, RRP £14.99.
LeatherjacketFree Nematodes - Protect lawns from destructive leatherjackets and ants gnat larvae, treats 100 m2 RRP £19.99.
Neudorff NemaSprayer - The only dedicated Nematode sprayer available in the UK, pre-calibrated for the easy application of Neudorff Nematode formulas, RRP £13.99.
For more information on Neudorff visit www.neudorff-trade.co.uk or call 0121 767 1821.