Laura Ashley planters are a big hit for Apta

Founded in 1953, Laura Ashley has become one of the world's best loved fashion and home furnishing brands.
From humble beginnings when Laura and Bernard were inspired to print fabric at the kitchen table, Laura Ashley has become synonymous with serene beauty and design.
The brand has always been able to inspire and delight through its ability to capture the mood and trend of the moment.
These fabulous new Laura Ashley Planters are designed to appeal to gardeners of all tastes, and beautifully incorporate some of the brand's best known colours and patterns.
Mr Jones is a classic geometric design with historic influence. First launched into the range by Laura Ashley herself it became one of her most popular designs. In 2013 Mr Jones was relaunched in new colourways as part of the company's 60th anniversary collection.
Introduced by Laura and Bernard Ashley in the early 1970s, the Bramble Logo represents the British heritage embodied in the brand. The wild hedgerow plant has since become synonymous with Laura Ashley, a design classic recognised worldwide.
This elegant collection of garden planters bears the Bramble Logo and is available in a carefully selected palette of three ever popular Laura Ashley colours.