Bayer Garden to fertilise the outdoor market for growth
  Making an exciting return to Glee, Bayer Garden will reveal its new strategy for growth in outdoor plant foods category. The company is home to three of the strongest brands in the sector, known and trusted by consumers and garden retailers alike:
- Greatness grows from every drop: Baby Bio® is the most recognised high quality liquid fertiliser available.
- Feeding the garden since 1960: Phostrogen® is trusted and recognised by gardeners everywhere.
- The rose care brand leader: Toprose already accounts for over 45% of the rose food market.
Based on detailed consumer insight, the company has identified real potential for growth in the sector.
“We know 30%* of plant owners don’t feed at all,” said Christina Bouzala, Group Brand Manager at Bayer Garden. “These people aren’t confident about what to feed and how, and when they go in-store to find out more, the fixture can cause them more confusion.
“This is a huge missed opportunity for garden care retailers, but it gets bigger still when you focus on pots and containers. Once the nutrients in the compost of pots and containers are exhausted, plants can produce far more blooms when fed regularly. Yet of the 90% of gardeners who express a preference for growing in pots, only 55%* use a feed!
“At Glee we’ll reveal our strategy for outdoor plant foods, which will help retailers further grow their business in this market, with exciting new products, whilst always having in mind the end benefit for the consumer.”
In 2016 Bayer Garden launched the Baby Bio® Big Boost Challenge. It is bright, colourful and clearly shows the benefits of feeding with Baby Bio® Outdoor. The Challenge encourages consumers to get ‘hands-on’ with the product and see the difference it makes to their pots and garden– a small watering change for BIG flower gains!
Phostrogen and Baby Bio are registered trademarks of Bayer CropScience Ltd. *Shopper Centric 2015
