Gold Leaf, makers of the world’s finest gardening gloves, are delighted to announce the launch of The RHS Collection, a range of beautiful deerskin leather gloves for ladies.
With the abundance of poor quality leather and low grade synthetic gardening gloves that continue to hit the shelves, Jayco, the makers of Gold Leaf, realised that there is now substantial demand for a unique, design led glove, which not only looks stunning, but also offers exceptional quality of both materials and workmanship.
Consequently, working closely with The Royal Horticultural Society, Glee 2017 sees the launch of The RHS Collection - a small beautiful range of deerskin leather gardening gloves for ladies.
Endorsed by The RHS and inspired by original artwork taken from the RHS Lindley Library, the CHELSEA, HAMPTON and MALVERN gardening gloves symbolise sentiments ranging from remembrance to friendship and will have huge appeal at the key gift buying times of year, such as Christmas and Easter.
With an rrp of £14.99, the new RHS Collection offers exceptional value for money and with a strong POS presence will undoubtedly generate substantial impulse purchase, particularly when merchandised using the striking display stand which is offered free when just 24 pairs of each of the three designs is ordered.
To see this exciting new development, visit the Gold Leaf stand K01 in Hall 18.