A unique source of inspiration and reference for garden retailing
Glee Stand 20H35

Floramedia’s Green Trend Report 2017-2018 is a unique publication setting out the latest industry data alongside the future trends that will make their mark on the European garden retailing at the mega, micro and macro levels in coming years.
The 124-page report allows growers, retailers and marketing departments to identify the trends that are relevant to their product offering and range developments.
This exciting document links inspiration and information to new and relevant developments in the field of horticulture and garden retailing, in relation to increased urbanisation, an ageing population and technological advancements. Containing the latest market figures, in-house research, inspiring projects and photography, the report translates the changing world around us in relation to our industry.

Trends and data
The first part of the report sketches out the trends and developments that will greatly influence wider society in the coming years, illustrated with inspiring stories, case studies and photography.
This trend analysis is substantiated in the second part of the report with a comprehensive break down of industry data and consumer habits.
Did you know for example that while 81% of UK homes have an outdoor space (the highest percentage in Europe) British gardeners are ranked only 6th in Europe when it comes to spend on pot plants and flowers?

Large survey of green-fingered consumers
Data was gathered by Floramedia’s own survey via www.tuinen.nl, Holland’s biggest consumer gardening website, which draws an international audience thanks to effective translation via Google Translate.
The survey reveals unique insights into customer/plant relationships and their general gardening ethos. It identifies, for example, that organic principles remain high on the consumer agenda with 91% or respondents claiming it to be an important or very important factor in how they grow. Only 1% felt it was totally unimportant.
The Floramedia Green Trend Report 2017/2018 offers a wealth of information to develop new creative ideas, lead on innovative concepts, and reach out to new target groups in a changing market.
To find out more about the report and discuss your plant marketing needs, make sure to visit the Floramedia team on stand 20H35.
