Power washing is an accepted short-term solution to a dirty patio, but can also lead to further problems down the line. Whilst this cleaning method will remove surface dirt, when the stonework is older than 3 years, instead of revealing a sparkling new patio it will start to reveal ugly ‘black spots’.
Patio Black Spots are caused by microscopic lichen spores, that feed off the minerals in the stone and put down fibrous roots, anchoring themselves like limpets and then blooming on the surface as black spots. Pressure washing then becomes futile and intensive washing can dislodge the pointing and cause damage to the surface of the stone.
In addition, most proprietary patio cleaners will remove green algae, but can take weeks to work and rely on dry weather. Equally they have no obvious effect on black lichen.
However, help is at hand! The Patio Black Spot Remover and Preventer System doesn’t just remove those hideous patio black spots but also prevents their return!
The Patio Black Spot Removal Company launched a new product this year with ‘monumental’ performance, capable of being applied to vertical surfaces such as statues and garden ornaments.
