Taylors offer naturalising scatter boxes
Watch out on the Taylors Bulbs stand (5A07) at Glee tomorrow for their new range of Naturalising Scatter Boxes.
They are designed so that users simply scatter bulbs straight from the box and plant where they fall to create an informal, random and natural effect to brighten lawns, verges and wildflower areas. Varieties have been specifically chosen in themes that will flower year after year with no effort. There are four blends of spring flowering bulbs for autumn 2013 to choose from: Early, Mid & Late flowering mixes (RRP £5.99) and a Heritage Mix of Snowdrops and Bluebells (RRP £9.99). All are bee-friendly. Check out, too, three new blends of summer flowering bulbs for spring 2014 sales: a Summer Blaze Mix of hot colours, a Scented Mix for garden fragrance and a Butterfly Mix (RRP £5.99) that is also bee-friendly.
All collections are presented in Taylors’ attractive and contemporary packaging with full planting instructions.
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