The latest all-round grass seed from the world renowned experts at Johnsons Lawn Seed, is the first off the mark when it comes to speed of germination and establishment, thanks to a brand new variety of grass seed.
‘The 1’ is a new addition to the current fleet of quality lawn seed products from Johnsons that include ‘Any Time’, ‘Luxury Lawn’ and ‘Tuffgrass’. Featuring unique branding and packaging, ‘The 1’ will be available in two sizes – 500g and 1.5kg boxes – with prices ranging from RRP £7.99 - £17.99.
Another ground breaking development in grass seed technology from Johnsons’ dedicated research laboratories, ‘The 1’ features a hardy, quick growing new strain of lawn perennial ryegrass that has a unique point of difference.
Johnsons Lawn Seed expert Guy Jenkins explains the benefits for consumers: “The seeds themselves are a great deal larger than normal, allowing them to draw far more energy and nutrients - meaning quicker and more successful germination rates. The time between sowing and mowing has never been shorter, ensuring luscious lawns are easier to obtain than ever before.”
‘The 1’ is not just quick off the mark, it also has greater endurance and drought resistance – essential for well used family lawns, and for withstanding dry spells in the summer.
Find out more
To find out more about ‘The 1’ and all of Johnsons other high quality lawn seed products, visit www.johnsonslawnseed.com or telephone (01386) 791113. From the website, consumers can also access the easy to use ‘Product Selector’ to find the exact blend of seed for their soil and situation.
Formula 1 Racing at Glee!
To celebrate the launch of ‘The 1’, the Johnsons Lawn Seed/DLF stand in Hall 18 hosted an immersive F1 racing competition. Visitors were able to hop inside a real F1 car and attempt to get the fastest lap on the racing simulator. Whoever had the fastest lap each day won a special prize.
And the winner is...
For Sunday 14th September, the winner was: Rick from Hellyers. Time of 1min 26 seconds. Congratulations Rick.