Industry top brass meet at Leaders for Change lunch

Forty key players in the UK garden industry met at Glee for a unique networking event, sponsored by Glee, GIMA and the HTA.
Homebase MD Paul Loft addressed the group about the need for change and that by working together we could make that change work for all.

"Our market is challenging because of a changing consumer. We need to listen and understand this consumer," he said.
"We have got to change the experience and make it better, it may not be easy. The seamless branded experience will challenge our business models."
"We need to get young people working in the industry. Our Garden Academy will grow to 20 next year, and we received over 1300 applications."
To set the networking lunch into action Paul explained: "Homebase can't solve this on our own. We need to come together, connect together, work together and make the change work for all."
The event was the brainchild of Gardenforums George Bullivant who told Glee Daily News: "If the key strategists in the industry can find more time to network together then they can be the catalysts for change, rather than just reacting to change.