Gardenonaroll, invented by plantsman and TV gardener Antony Henn back in 2008, are launching two new products – The Gift Box and Gardenonaroll paper impregnated with organic feed.
Antony Henn came up with the idea of Gardenonaroll while thinking of ways to help children and beginners share in his love of nature and gardening.
Since then Gardenonaroll has become a household name with the help of 6 years of happy customers and various accolades and celebrity endorsements.
Demonstrated by Alan Titchmarsh and Joe Swift on the Alan Titchmarsh Show in 2012, Joe and Alan showed how the Bio-degradable paper plantemplate makes planting and spacing of a new border as simple as ABC.
Everything you need is delivered to your door including all the lettered plants, the Bio-degradable paper or weed control membrane template, with letters marked on to show where to plant, ground pegs, a trowel, a pair of gloves, fertilizer and a instructional DVD – IT’S A BORDER IN A BOX!
Gardenonaroll have been successfully working with Homebase delivering borders nationwide since 2013. As well as working in partnership with Digswell nurseries, a community project, who provide training and work-based skills for vulnerable people. Many of the plants supplied are grown by Gardenonaroll and in other UK based nurseries.

This year we have been testing our 2 new additions to the range…
1. The Gift Box - This enables anyone to give a gift of a garden border at any time of the year ! Gardenonaroll have designed an attractive, easy to give box containing all the usual Gardenonaroll ingredients apart from the plants. When the recipient of the gift is ready to plant, they just choose the garden style they like, contact Gardenonaroll to order their plants and to arrange delivery (which is included in the gift price), then the plants are delivered to their door. Perfect as a Wedding or Anniversary gift so the happy couple can get the plants when they are ready!
2. Gardenonaroll paper impregnated with organic feed - Gardenonaroll have been testing this new product and are pleased to announce that they now have organic feed impregnated into the paper. It still acts as a planting guide and weed suppressant but now has the added benefit of releasing nutrients as the paper bio-degrades!
Gardenonaroll is on Stand 19G58.