Countryfile's Adam Henson launches conservation seeds range with DLF
 BBC ‘Countryfile’ presenter Adam Henson spent the day on the DLF Trifolium stand today (5C15) promoting his new range of conservation and wildflower seed mixtures.
The range was created in association with DLF using the habitat creation skills developed by Henson on his Cotswolds farm. There are three themed mixtures, all in colourful bottles – Wildlife Wel;come (perennials), Butterflies and Bees Welcome (annual wild flower pollinator mix) and Birds Welcome (annual wild bird attraction mix). “There is a growing consumer interest in conservation,” Henson told Glee Daily News, “and we believe the timing is right for the message we’re promoting.” He said he and his colleague Duncan Andrews had worked closely with DLF to make sure the mixtures performed well.