Rod Slater reveals what it's like to change from Glee visitor to exhibitor

Before this year's show, Rod Slater visited every Glee as manging director of All-in-One Garden Centres, but now he's become general manager of Deco-Pak he's seeing life on the other side of the exhibition stand.
"It's a lot more like hard work being an exhibitor but I'm enjoying every minute," he told Glee Daily News.
Rod explained the reasoning behind his decision to move from the retailing side of the business to become a supplier.
"I was ready for a change and needed a fresh start, so when Deco-Pak's Mike Hall contacted me to see if I was interested in joining the company as general manager I jumped at the chance. We've known each other for a long time and I like the fact that Deco-Pak is a family business with strong values."